From dream to reality: How to plan your re-side
This step-by-step guide is your roadmap to the re-side process. Creating your design, choosing materials, hiring a pro—it’s all covered here. Toggle the tabs below to explore each chapter of the re-side process.Unknown Component
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Even new vinyl siding won’t replicate the appearance of real wood, and can be more susceptible to fading when compared to other products.", "marks": [], "data": {} } ] }, { "nodeType": "heading-3", "data": {}, "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "Wood and engineered wood", "marks": [], "data": {} } ] }, { "nodeType": "paragraph", "data": {}, "content": [ { "nodeType": "text", "value": "Wood siding is often considered more aesthetically pleasing than vinyl siding, but its beauty comes at a higher price. Wood siding is also susceptible to moisture and damage from pests like woodpeckers and termites, may require more frequent maintenance over time, and is no match for a fire. Engineered wood siding is plagued by many of the same problems as traditional wood siding. It’s subject to damage from pests, each board is fuel for fire, and it’s susceptible to swelling, warping, and cracking in response to changes in moisture over time. 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- Import the component into the file where
<UniformComposition />
is defined, for exampleimport "../components/TabsContainer.tsx"
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Kick off your siding project today by sharing your vision and discussing the re-side process with a local pro.
Unknown Component
Received request from Uniform to render a component with the public ID: disclaimerText
<UniformComposition />
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mapped to a React component yet.
To teach your app how to render this component:
- Create a React component and register it with Uniform, for example
function DisclaimerText({ text, theme }) { return ( <div> DisclaimerText! </div> ) } registerUniformComponent({ type: "disclaimerText", component: DisclaimerText })
Props that your React component will receive
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- Import the component into the file where
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Unable to find Uniform Context. Ensure the devtools plugin is activated.